***************************************************************** * * * BUGGER V2 * * * * TODO * * Document Date: 24 May 2011 * * * ***************************************************************** Document Description --------------------- This Document is intended to integrate with the Document "Features for Release 1" and not to supersede it. Once Release 1 has been attained, Tasks can be updated in BUGGER itself, so long as a stable build is used at all times. TODO List ---------- - Add Close buttons to all pop-up pages. - Add Back buttons to all appropriate pop-up pages. - Change "Release File" to "Document" in Document Registration form - Implement Document/Release stats on project summary page - Implement Footer text - Reduce size of text on Release/Document summary on projsummary page (Create new CSS class) - Update Tasks view to only display incomplete tasks - Add Template name setting to config (Display Settings) - Adjust config/display to export global and update necessary functions - Integrate 'Mark Complete' with Changelog - Investigate Tasks summary on Projsummary page (only displaying most recent) - Centre data in Tasks summary on ProjSummary - Update summary functions to display "None Yet!" if no results returned - Create Config setting to enable/disabled Changelog integration - Create integration between Releases/changelog - Test task addition page - Create admin function to clear all completed tasks (either by project or all) - Move all JS to an external file to minimise repetition of functions - Rel 1 features ******************Release can be made*********************************** - Project Homepages - Project News/Blogs - Integrate TinyMCE (Where appropriate) - Field validation (in JS) Notes ------ Bug reporting/tracking is an important feature of BUGGER. However it is also quite a large component and so needs to be deferred slightly in order to acheive an early release of BUGGER. Development on other projects has stopped due to lack of an adequate project management facility and so an expedient release of BUGGER is essential. ***************************************************************** * * * DOCUMENT END * * * *****************************************************************