################################################################# # # # BUGGER V1.0 # # Release/Feature Schedule # # # # Document Author: Ben Tasker # # Document Date: 10/12/2009 # # Filename: 20091210_BUGGER_release_feature_schedule.txt # # # ################################################################# Contents --------- - Aim - Current Feature Set - Future Features - Release Dates - Expected Feature Sets - Constraints - Updates Aim ---- The aim of this document is to establish approximate release dates for each minor release of BUGGER leading up to the eventual major release of V1.0. This document will attempt to establish which features need to be completed by each minor release. With such a large featureset envisaged, it is inevitable that reaching V1.0 will take some time. This document therefore only approaches releases leading up to V0.5. Once this milestone has been acheived, a further document will be created planning the next stages of planning. All dates will be approximate, and there will be some flexibility with feature sets to allow both for changing requirements and other constraints. This document is intended as a guide only. Current Feature Set --------------------- At time of writing, BUGGER is at V0.2b and includes the following features - Bug Reports - Project Summaries - Documentation Pages (Currently incomplete) - Release Pages (Currently incomplete) - TODO lists - Changelogs - User Access Control - Ability to Delete/Disable Users - Ability to Comment on Bug Reports - Admin Controlled Captchas for Bug Reports and Comments - Caching of Changelogs, TODO lists and Bug Report Pages - Administrators can refresh/delete cache files - Ability to mark bugs as Unassigned, Closed - Resolved, Closed - Need more info, Assigned to Developer, Suspended for testing. - Reporting of Comment Spam to Administrators - Timestamp logging of Releases/Documents/Comments - Autocompletion of name/e-mail address for Logged In users Future Features and releases ----------------------------- Although the existing feature set is already quite expansive, there is a lot more work to be done. One of the main priorities now that the system has a usable featureset is to attempt to increase performance in benchmarking tests. Page caching has delivered a marked improvement in response time where it is enabled, however this can only ever be part of the solution. Whilst caching does improve performance, if the response time is excessively long when the cache requires refreshing then no tangible benefit will have been delivered. It is hoped that a release will be made within the next 7 days, with regular releases after that. - Release Dates - V0.21b By 17 Dec 2009 - V0.3 By 30 Dec 2009 - V0.35 By 15 Jan 2010 - V0.4 By 1 Feb 2010 - V0.45 By 16 Feb 2010 - v0.5 By 12 Mar 2010 - Expected Feature Sets V0.21b + Finish Release and Document pages + Implement Log Out Option + Use SSL when loading Login Form + Add menu to Select and View Changelog to Main Menu V0.3 + Implement Project Notes/News + Add support for Claims_DB_listener User Authentication Protocols (already implemented on newer functions) + Add Login/Logout option to top of all pages + Allow Developers to post HTML in Bug Reports/Comments + Add ability for Admins to disable HTML posting + Create Request/Create account function + Create Captcha Edit/Update page + Create Forgotten Password function + Implement page caching on all suitable pages + Tie IP address to logged in users V0.35 + Autoupdate relevant changelog when Bug marked as resolved + Allow Admin to turn Changelog Autoupdates On/Off + Allow Admin to allow Bug Reports/Comments from logged in Users only (implement as seperate options) + Add Priority codes to TODO list + Allow Admins/Moderators to Delete Comments + Allow Admins to delete Bugs + Allow Developers and above to create offline archive of a project (including Bug Reports, Comments, Releases, Documentation, News etc.) V0.4 + Create Configuration editing page (DB Server etc.) + Create User Info/Stats page + Create Query to allow admin to view all Bug Reports and comments posted by a specific user + Add 'Time last logged in' to user record + Add ability to blacklist IP/Hostname + Implement redundancy routines V0.45 + Move Footer text to Database + Create page to edit footer text + Enable caching of footer for faster response + Create Outstanding Bug query + Set up multipurpose E-mailing function V0.5 + Implement Testing Records + Implement Logging Features + Enable Admins to download backup of BUGGER Database + Add 'No Longer Required' Button to TODO lists + Auto Update changelog when TODO marked as complete + Allow Admin to switch off changelog autoupdate + Attempt to improve Response times of all features implemented + Allow Administrator to specify Database name (currently hardcoded to 'Bugs') + Create Install Documentation and attempt to simplify process (provide blank templates if needed). User should be able to complete most configuration tasks from within the Web browser. + Begin adding support for locally hosted databases Constraints ------------ Some features will rely on functionality that is not currently supported by either Claims_DB or Claims_DB_listener. Therefore development on those features can not take place until the relevant Protocols have been documented for both Claims_DB and Claims_DB_listener. Time will need to be devoted to Claims_DB and Claims_DB_listener in order to provide the necessary functionality for some of the features described. Exhaustive testing will be impossible, and security and usability must be given top priorities. Response time especially is a major concern. It may not be possible to find the time to acheive the targets specified in this document. Therefore certain features may have to be delayed/cancelled. A change in requirements may lead to new features being given a higher priority than some of those detailed in this document. Updates -------- This document will not be updated once published, further documents will be published as required. The most accurate record of tasks outstanding and tasks complete can be found within BUGGER itself. The TODO List can be found at http://benscomputer.no-ip.org/BUGGER/view_TODO.shtml?ProjectID=4 The Project Changelog can be found at http://benscomputer.no-ip.org/cgi-bin/Projects/changelog.sh?PROJECT=4 ################################################################# # # # DOCUMENT END # # Copyright Ben Tasker 2009 # # Released under GNU GPL V3 # # See http://benscomputer.no-ip.org/LICENSE3 # # # #################################################################