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Bug Status:
Open - Unassigned
Bug ID174
Date Logged8/11/2011
Logged ByBen Tasker
Details500 error \"View not found\" reported when accessing the component.

Wasn\'t happening previously, but no changes have been made?
Developer Notes

Bug Comments:

Joomla debugging shows that system is trying to find the view in the adsman component and not the redundantads component.

May be due to the way Joomla passes the option var in the URI. Changing component name to see if that leads to an improvement.

View definitely exists, and has been checked for syntax errors

Ben Tasker08-11-2011 07:12

Joomla appears to be objecting to the underscore in the view name. Have removed it.
Ben Tasker08-11-2011 07:16

Fixed release uploaded, Bug closed
Ben Tasker08-11-2011 07:20

At the time of it's abandonment, BUGGERs template was still under development. Apologies for any feelings of nausea! Copyright Ben Tasker 2009 Released under the GNU GPL V3
No permission given for Interception of communications by any third party.
"Broken? Have you BUGGERed it?"