VEHPI-33: GPX File Non-Reciprocity

Issue Information

Issue Type: Bug
Priority: Major
Status: Closed

Reported By:
Ben Tasker
Assigned To:
Ben Tasker
Project: VehManPi (VEHPI)
Resolution: Won't Fix (2019-09-09 16:24:43)
Target version: 1.0,

Created: 2013-12-26 23:26:38
Time Spent Working

As VEH-50 aims to have the API generate reports for Insurance companies (at the request of the driver), need to include data about the VehManPi instance that captured the data. Perhaps as part of the GPX metadata, as the aim is to store that data in the API too (VEH-54)

Toggle State Changes


btasker added 'Ben Tasker' to assignee
btasker added '1.0' to Fix Version
Bulk Close.

Realistically, project isn't going to see any further development so closing as Won't Fix
btasker changed status from 'Open' to 'Closed'
btasker added 'Won't Fix' to resolution