Utilities / Telegraf Plugins: 9f1e88e4

Create exec plugin to pull status and response time from Uptimerobot

Create exec plugin to pull status and response time from Uptimerobot

Commit 9f1e88e4.

Authored 2021-12-04T15:28:48.000+00:00 by B Tasker in project Utilities / Telegraf Plugins

+55 lines -0 lines

Commit Signature


diff --git a/uptime-robot/uptime-robot.py b/uptime-robot/uptime-robot.py
--- a/uptime-robot/uptime-robot.py
+++ b/uptime-robot/uptime-robot.py
# @@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
# +#!/usr/bin/env python3
# +#
# +#
# +# Hit the Uptime Robot API to fetch response times and status
# +#
# +# Copyright (c) 2021 B Tasker
# +#
# +import requests
# +
# +BASE_URL="https://api.uptimerobot.com/v2"
# +API_KEY="" # Get this from "my_settings" in the uptime robot dashboard
# +MEASUREMENT_NAME="website_response_times" # Measurement name in Influxdb
# +db_name="websites" # I use this for output routing in Telegraf's config, you can leave it blank
# +
# +def placeRequest(path, data):
# + ''' Place a request against the UptimeRobot API and return a dict
# + '''
# + headers = {
# + 'content-type': "application/x-www-form-urlencoded",
# + 'cache-control': "no-cache"
# + }
# +
# + data['api_key'] = API_KEY
# + data['format'] = "json"
# +
# + r = requests.post(f"{BASE_URL}{path}", headers=headers, data=data)
# + #print(r.text)
# + return r.json()
# +
# +
# +def writeLP(m):
# + ''' Convert a monitor object to line protocol and print it
# + '''
# + tagset=f"url={m['url']},id={m['id']},influxdb_database={db_name}"
# + print(f"{MEASUREMENT_NAME},{tagset} status={m['status']},avg_response={m['average_response_time']}")
# +
# + # Iterate over the response time logs
# + for responsetime in m['responsetimes']:
# + print(f"{MEASUREMENT_NAME},{tagset} response_time={responsetime['value']}i {int(responsetime['datetime']) * 1000000000}")
# +
# +
# +
# +
# +x = {
# + "response_times" : 1, # Include response times
# + "response_times_average" : 15, # 15 min intervals
# + "response_times_limit" : 16, # return the last 4 hours - 4*4
# + }
# +logs = placeRequest("/getMonitors", x)
# +
# +for monitor in logs['monitors']:
# + writeLP(monitor)
# +
# +
# +