Utilities / Telegraf Plugins: a0f84a06

Create a plugin to fetch user quota usage from Nextcloud

Create a plugin to fetch user quota usage from Nextcloud

Commit a0f84a06.

Authored 2021-11-25T15:15:59.000+00:00 by B Tasker in project Utilities / Telegraf Plugins

+91 lines -0 lines

Commit Signature


diff --git a/nextcloud-user-quotas/nextcloud_user_quotas.py b/nextcloud-user-quotas/nextcloud_user_quotas.py
--- a/nextcloud-user-quotas/nextcloud_user_quotas.py
+++ b/nextcloud-user-quotas/nextcloud_user_quotas.py
# @@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
# +#!/usr/bin/env python3
# +#
# +# Telegraf Exec plugin to monitor nextcloud user quota usage
# +#
# +# Copyright (c) 2021 B Tasker
# +#
# +import base64
# +import requests
# +import time
# +
# +# Config
# +
# +
# +
# +def makeRequest(path, params=False):
# + ''' Place a request to the Nextcloud API
# +
# +
# + '''
# + if not params:
# + params = {}
# +
# + params['format'] = "json"
# + headers = {
# + "Content-Type" : "application/x-www-form-urlencoded",
# + "OCS-APIRequest" : "true",
# + "Authorization" : f"Basic {ENCODED_AUTH}"
# +
# + }
# +
# +
# + r = SESSION.get(f"{NEXTCLOUD_PROTO}://{NEXTCLOUD_DOMAIN}/ocs/v2.php/cloud/{path}", params=params, headers=headers)
# + return r.json()
# +
# +
# +
# +
# +def getUserList():
# + ''' Get a list of users
# +
# + '''
# + resp_json = makeRequest('/users')
# + return resp_json['ocs']['data']['users']
# +
# +
# +
# +def getUserInfo(user):
# + ''' Fetch info from the API for a username
# +
# + '''
# + userinfo = makeRequest(f'/users/{user}')
# +
# + if userinfo['ocs']['data']['quota']['quota'] < 0:
# + # Unlimited
# + userinfo['ocs']['data']['quota']['quota'] = 0
# + userinfo['ocs']['data']['quota']['relative'] = 0.00
# +
# + return userinfo['ocs']['data']['quota']
# +
# +
# +def quota_to_lp(user, quota_obj):
# + ''' Take a quota object and output Influx line protocol
# +
# + '''
# + return f"{MEASUREMENT},user={user},hostname={NEXTCLOUD_DOMAIN} quota={quota_obj['quota']}i,free={quota_obj['free']}i,used={quota_obj['used']}i,percent_used={quota_obj['relative']} {TIMESTAMP}"
# +
# +
# +
# +def main():
# + ''' Main entrypoint
# +
# + '''
# + users = getUserList()
# + for user in users:
# + quota_obj = getUserInfo(user)
# + lp = quota_to_lp(user, quota_obj)
# + print(lp)
# +
# +
# +
# +# Work starts
# +SESSION=requests.session()
# +TIMESTAMP=int(time.time()*1000000000) # we use int to prevent an exponent from being used
# +ENCODED_AUTH=base64.b64encode(bytes(NEXTCLOUD_PASS,'utf-8')).decode()
# +
# +# Trigger the app
# +main()