Utilities / Telegraf Plugins: b1738d84

Start creating plugin

Start creating plugin

Commit b1738d84.

Authored 2021-11-29T20:28:23.000+00:00 by B Tasker in project Utilities / Telegraf Plugins

+125 lines -0 lines

Commit Signature


diff --git a/bunny-cdn-stats/bunny-cdn-stats.py b/bunny-cdn-stats/bunny-cdn-stats.py
--- a/bunny-cdn-stats/bunny-cdn-stats.py
+++ b/bunny-cdn-stats/bunny-cdn-stats.py
# @@ -0,0 +1,125 @@
# +#!/usr/bin/env python3
# +
# +import requests
# +import sys
# +import time
# +
# +from datetime import datetime
# +
# +token = sys.argv[1]
# +url = "https://api.bunny.net"
# +measurement = "bunnycdn"
# +
# +
# +def getStats(start, pullzone, token):
# + params = {
# + 'dateFrom' : start,
# + 'pullZone' : pullzone,
# + 'loadErrors' : True,
# + 'hourly' : True
# + }
# + headers = {"Accept": "application/json",
# + "AccessKey" : token
# + }
# + r = requests.request("GET", f"{url}/statistics", headers=headers, params=params)
# + return r.json()
# +
# +
# +def getPullZones(token):
# +
# + headers = {"Accept": "application/json",
# + "AccessKey" : token
# + }
# + r = requests.request("GET", f"{url}/pullzone", headers=headers)
# + return r.json()
# +
# +
# +def process_stats_block(stats_block, measurement, tagset, field_name):
# + '''
# +
# + '''
# + lines = []
# + for key in stats_block:
# + # Key is the time, turn it into a timestamp
# + ts = datetime.strptime(key, '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ').strftime('%s')
# + value = stats_block[key]
# + lines.append([
# + f"{measurement},{tagset} {field_name}={value} {ts}"
# + ])
# +
# + return lines
# +
# +
# +
# +def process_stats_blocks(stats, measurement, tagset):
# + '''
# +
# + '''
# + lines = []
# + for key in stats['OriginTrafficChart']:
# + # Key is the time, turn it into a timestamp
# + ts = datetime.strptime(key, '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ').strftime('%s')
# +
# + fields = [
# + f"origin_bytes={int(stats['OriginTrafficChart'][key])}i",
# + f'status_3xx={int(stats["Error3xxChart"][key])}i',
# + f'status_4xx={int(stats["Error4xxChart"][key])}i',
# + f'status_5xx={int(stats["Error5xxChart"][key])}i',
# +
# + f'origin_response_time={stats["OriginResponseTimeChart"][key]}',
# + f'shield_bytes={int(stats["OriginShieldInternalBandwidthUsedChart"][key])}i',
# + f'edge_bytes={int(stats["BandwidthUsedChart"][key])}i',
# +
# + f'requests_served={int(stats["RequestsServedChart"][key])}i',
# + f'RHR={stats["CacheHitRateChart"][key]}'
# + ]
# +
# + lines.append(
# + f"{measurement},{tagset} {','.join(fields)} {ts}"
# + )
# +
# + return lines
# +
# +
# +
# +dt = datetime.today()
# +midnight = datetime.combine(dt, datetime.min.time()).strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ')
# +
# +ts = int(time.time())
# +lines = []
# +pullzones = getPullZones(token)
# +for zone in pullzones:
# + stats = getStats(midnight,zone['Id'], token)
# + #print(stats)
# + num_rules = len(zone['EdgeRules'])
# + zone_name = zone['Name']
# +
# + tagset = f'edge_zone={zone_name}'
# +
# + lines.append(
# + f'{measurement},{tagset} total_bandwidth_used={stats["TotalBandwidthUsed"]},total_origin_traffic={stats["TotalOriginTraffic"]},mean_origin_response_time={stats["AverageOriginResponseTime"]},total_requests_served={stats["TotalRequestsServed"]},mean_rhr={stats["CacheHitRate"]} {ts}'
# + )
# + '''
# + r30xs = process_stats_block(stats["Error3xxChart"], measurement, tagset, "status_3xx")
# + r40xs = process_stats_block(stats["Error4xxChart"], measurement, tagset, "status_4xx")
# + r50xs = process_stats_block(stats["Error5xxChart"], measurement, tagset, "status_5xx")
# + origin_response_times = process_stats_block(stats["OriginResponseTimeChart"], measurement, tagset, "origin_response_time")
# +
# + origin_bytes = process_stats_block(stats["OriginTrafficChart"], measurement, tagset, "origin_bytes")
# + shield_bytes = process_stats_block(stats["OriginShieldInternalBandwidthUsedChart"], measurement, tagset, "shield_cache_bytes")
# + edge_bytes = process_stats_block(stats["BandwidthUsedChart"], measurement, tagset, "edge_bytes")
# +
# +
# + requests_served = process_stats_block(stats["RequestsServedChart"], measurement, tagset, "RequestsServedChart")
# + rhr = requests_served = process_stats_block(stats["CacheHitRateChart"], measurement, tagset, "RHR")
# +
# +
# +
# + # Merge the lists
# + lines = lines + r30xs + r40xs + r50xs
# + '''
# +
# + lines = lines + process_stats_blocks(stats, measurement, tagset)
# +
# +
# +print('\n'.join(lines))