Utilities / Telegraf Plugins: c06d0d2d



Commit c06d0d2d.

Authored 2021-11-25T15:22:00.000+00:00 by B Tasker in project Utilities / Telegraf Plugins

+55 lines -0 lines

Commit Signature


diff --git a/nextcloud-user-quotas/README.md b/nextcloud-user-quotas/README.md
--- a/nextcloud-user-quotas/README.md
+++ b/nextcloud-user-quotas/README.md
# @@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
# +## Nextcloud User Quotas Plugin
# +
# +An `exec` plugin that uses Nextcloud's API in order to retrieve current quota usage for each Nextcloud user - allowing reporting and alarming.
# +
# +
# +### Nextcloud setup
# +
# +You will need to create an admin user in Nextcloud for the poller to use.
# +
# +
# +### Script Configuration
# +
# +The script has some configuration at the top - it's there to prevent creds showing up in process listing, but could trivially be moved
# +
# + NEXTCLOUD_DOMAIN="[domain]"
# + NEXTCLOUD_PASS="[user]:[password]"
# + MEASUREMENT="nextcloud_quotas"
# +
# +Edit the variables as necessary
# +
# +
# +### Configuring in Telegraf
# +
# +Assuming the script has been copied to `/usr/loca/src/telegraf_plugins` the following config can be used in Telegraf
# +
# + [[inputs.exec]]
# + commands = [
# + "/usr/local/src/telegraf_plugins/nextcloud_user_quotas.py",
# + ]
# + timeout = "5s"
# + name_suffix = ""
# + data_format = "influx"
# +
# +
# +#### Line Protocol example
# +
# +Example output:
# +
# + nextcloud_quotas,user=admin,hostname=nextcloud.example.com quota=0i,free=471037771776i,used=15209524i,percent_used=0.0 1637853522420120064
# + nextcloud_quotas,user=ben,hostname=nextcloud.example.com quota=64424509440i,free=25321839264i,used=39102670176i,percent_used=60.7 1637853522420120064
# + nextcloud_quotas,user=telegraf_api_poller,hostname=nextcloud.example.com quota=0i,free=471037771776i,used=22868401i,percent_used=0.0 1637853522420120064
# +
# +
# +
# +### Graphing
# +
# +To graph out per user, but exclude specific users, you can use the following Flux
# +
# + from(bucket: "telegraf/autogen")
# + |> range(start: v.timeRangeStart)
# + |> filter(fn: (r) => r._measurement == "nextcloud_quotas" and r._field == "percent_used")
# + |> filter(fn: (r) => r.user != "admin" and r.user != "telegraf_api_poller")
# + |> aggregateWindow(every: 5m, fn: mean)
# +