project Utilities / zepp_to_influxdb avatar

Utilities / zepp_to_influxdb: 51fd5a2c

Extract heart rate data from the band_data.json detail view (utilities/zepp_to_influxdb#4)

Extract heart rate data from the band_data.json detail view (utilities/zepp_to_influxdb#4)

Commit 51fd5a2c.

Authored 2023-08-08T08:58:41.000+01:00 by B Tasker in project Utilities / zepp_to_influxdb

+70 lines -2 lines

Commit Signature


diff --git a/app/ b/app/
--- a/app/
+++ b/app/
# @@ -321,7 +321,7 @@ def get_band_data(auth_info, config):
# 'apptoken': auth_info['token_info']['app_token'],
# }
# data={
# - 'query_type': 'summary',
# + 'query_type': 'detail',
# 'device_type': 'android_phone',
# 'userid': auth_info['token_info']['user_id'],
# 'from_date': query_start.strftime('%Y-%m-%d'),
# @@ -342,6 +342,10 @@ def get_band_data(auth_info, config):
# else:
# ts = today_ts
# + if "data_hr" in daydata:
# + print("Extracting heart rate")
# + result_set = result_set + translate_heartrate_blob(daydata)
# +
# summary=json.loads(base64.b64decode(daydata['summary']))
# for k,v in summary.items():
# if k=='stp':
# @@ -370,10 +374,74 @@ def get_band_data(auth_info, config):
# })
# else:
# print(f"Skipped {k} = {v}")
# -
# +
# +
# return result_set, serial
# +def translate_heartrate_blob(daydata):
# + ''' Extract the heart rate data blob from the JSON
# + and convert to a list of stats
# +
# + '''
# +
# + # Create a datetime object from the date specified in JSON
# + # this will be midnight.
# + nowtime = datetime.datetime.strptime(daydata['date_time'], "%Y-%m-%d")
# +
# + number_blob = bytearray(base64.b64decode(daydata['data_hr']))
# + #print(number_blob)
# + adjusted_vals = []
# +
# + # Initialise values
# + x = 1
# + b=b''
# +
# + # Iterate through the bytestring
# + for byte_i in number_blob:
# + # iterating over leads to us fetching ints
# + # not bytes, so convert back
# + byte = byte_i.to_bytes(length=1, byteorder="big")
# +
# + # Concatenate this byte onto the previous
# + b += byte
# +
# + # Move the marker to the right
# + x += 1
# +
# + # The data is a java short, so every
# + # 2 bytes, convert it to an integer
# + if x == 2:
# + # Convert the bytestring to an int
# + v = int(b.hex(), 16)
# +
# + # Adjust the timestamp forward 1 minute
# + nowtime = nowtime + datetime.timedelta(minutes=1)
# +
# + # They seem to use a high initialisation
# + # value to indicate lack of data. If it's
# + # higher than 200 skip it
# + if v < 200:
# + # Append a point
# + adjusted_vals.append({
# + "timestamp": int(nowtime.strftime('%s')) * 1000000000, # Convert to nanos
# + "fields" : {
# + "heart_rate" : int(v),
# + },
# + "tags" : {
# + "hr_measure" : "periodic"
# + }
# + })
# +
# +
# + # Reset the byte string
# + b = b''
# + # Reset the counter
# + x = 1
# +
# + return adjusted_vals
# +
# +
# def get_blood_oxygen_data(auth_info, config):
# ''' Retrieve stress level information
# '''