project Utilities / zepp_to_influxdb avatar

Utilities / zepp_to_influxdb: cadd74a0

Adjust the timestamp on previous days to 23:59:59 so that we're inserting the final count

Adjust the timestamp on previous days to 23:59:59 so that we're inserting the final count

Commit cadd74a0.

Authored 2023-08-01T12:45:54.000+01:00 by B Tasker in project Utilities / zepp_to_influxdb

+1 lines -4 lines

Commit Signature


diff --git a/app/ b/app/
--- a/app/
+++ b/app/
# @@ -266,11 +266,8 @@ def get_band_data(auth_info):
# # If day_ts is < midnight we want to set the timestamp to be 23:59:59
# # on that day. If not, then we use the current timestamp.
# - print(day_ts)
# - print(midnight)
# - print(today_ts)
# if day_ts < midnight:
# - ts = day_ts.strftime('%s')
# + ts = datetime.datetime.combine(day_ts, datetime.datetime.max.time()).strftime('%s')
# else:
# ts = today_ts