project Utilities / zepp_to_influxdb avatar

Utilities / zepp_to_influxdb: e1fc36ac

Collect stress level information (utilities/zepp_to_influxdb#1)

Collect stress level information (utilities/zepp_to_influxdb#1)

This collects the stress readings submitted by the watch.

Values seem to lag behind by quite a bit though - the most recent value available to me at the moment is a couple of days behind.

Commit e1fc36ac.

Authored 2023-08-03T16:59:22.000+01:00 by B Tasker in project Utilities / zepp_to_influxdb

+74 lines -1 lines

Commit Signature


diff --git a/app/ b/app/
--- a/app/
+++ b/app/
# @@ -331,7 +331,7 @@ def minute_to_timestamp(minute, day):
# epoch = int(datetime.datetime.strptime(date_string, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M").strftime('%s'))
# return epoch
# -
# +
# def get_band_data(auth_info, config):
# ''' Retrieve information for the band/watch associated with the account
# '''
# @@ -414,6 +414,73 @@ def get_band_data(auth_info, config):
# return result_set, serial
# +
# +def get_stress_data(auth_info, config):
# + ''' Retrieve stress level information
# + '''
# + rows = []
# +
# + ''' calculate the times that the api query should check between
# + '''
# + today =
# + today_end = datetime.datetime.combine(today, datetime.datetime.max.time())
# +
# + query_start_d = today - datetime.timedelta(days=config['QUERY_DURATION'])
# + # Make it midnight - the api doesn't seem to like mid-day queries
# + query_start = datetime.datetime.combine(query_start_d, datetime.datetime.min.time())
# +
# +
# + print("Retrieving stress data")
# + band_data_url=f"{auth_info['token_info']['user_id']}/events"
# + headers={
# + 'apptoken': auth_info['token_info']['app_token'],
# + }
# + data={
# + 'from': query_start.strftime('%s000'),
# + 'to': today_end.strftime('%s000'),
# + "eventType": "all_day_stress",
# + "limit": 1000
# + }
# + response=requests.get(band_data_url,params=data,headers=headers)
# + r_json = response.json()
# + if "items" not in r_json:
# + return result_set
# +
# + for stress in r_json['items']:
# + row = {
# + "timestamp": int(stress['timestamp']) * 1000000, # Convert to nanos
# + "fields" : {
# + "minimum_stress_level" : int(stress['minStress']),
# + "max_stress_level" : int(stress['maxStress']),
# + "mean_stress_level" : int(stress['avgStress']),
# + "relaxed_time_perc" : int(stress['relaxProportion']),
# + "normal_stress_time_perc" : int(stress['normalProportion']),
# + "medium_stress_time_perc" : int(stress['mediumProportion']),
# + "high_stress_time_perc" : int(stress['highProportion'])
# + },
# + "tags" : {
# + "stress" : "daily"
# + }
# + }
# + rows.append(row)
# +
# + # See whether we've been provided regular reads
# + if "data" in stress:
# + stress_dump = json.loads(stress['data'])
# + for stresspoint in stress_dump:
# + row = {
# + "timestamp": int(stresspoint['time']) * 1000000, # Convert to nanos
# + "fields" : {
# + "current_stress_level" : int(stresspoint['value'])
# + },
# + "tags" : {
# + "stress" : "point_in_time"
# + }
# + }
# + rows.append(row)
# +
# + return rows
# +
# def write_results(results, serial, config):
# ''' Open a connection to InfluxDB and write the results in
# '''
# @@ -465,6 +532,12 @@ def main():
# # Fetch band info
# result_set, serial = get_band_data(auth_info, config)
# + try:
# + stress_rows = get_stress_data(auth_info, config)
# + result_set = result_set + stress_rows
# + except:
# + print("Failed to collect stress data")
# +
# # Write into InfluxDB
# write_results(result_set, serial, config)