project Utilities / zepp_to_influxdb avatar

Utilities / zepp_to_influxdb: e3462ece

Add README (jira-projects/MISC#35)

Add README (jira-projects/MISC#35)

Commit e3462ece.

Authored 2023-08-01T16:20:06.000+01:00 by B Tasker in project Utilities / zepp_to_influxdb

+138 lines -0 lines

Commit Signature


diff --git a/ b/
--- a/
+++ b/
# @@ -0,0 +1,138 @@
# +# Zepp to InfluxDB
# +
# +This script connects to the Zepp/MiFit/Huami/Amznfit smart watch API in order to retrieve step count and sleep information to then write onwards into an [InfluxDB]( instance.
# +
# +The underlying connectivity approach is taken from [Reverse engineering of the Mi Fit API]( .
# +
# +I put this script together in order to collect data from my Amznfit Bip 3 Pro, having found that [the Bip 3 doesn't work with Gadgetbridge](
# +
# +Design details can be found in [MISC#35](
# +
# +The app seems to update values irregularly, so hourly runs should be more than sufficient.
# +
# +----
# +
# +### Configuration
# +
# +The script is designed to run as a docker container and so takes its configuration from environment variables
# +
# +- `INFLUXDB_URL`: the URL of the InfluxDB server to write to
# +- `INFLUXDB_TOKEN`: the token to authenticate against InfluxDB with (provide user:pass if it's a v1 instance)
# +- `INFLUXDB_ORG`: The org name or ID to write into
# +- `INFLUXDB_MEASUREMENT`: The measurement name to write into (default `zepp`)
# +- `INFLUXDB_BUCKET`: The bucket/database to write into (default `telegraf`)
# +- `QUERY_DURATION`: How many days data to fetch from the API (default 2)
# +- `ZEPP_EMAIL`: The email address used to sign into Zepp/MiFit/Huami/Amznfit
# +- `ZEPP_PASS`: The password to your Zepp account
# +
# +
# +----
# +
# +### Running
# +
# +The simplest way to run the script is via docker container
# +
# +```sh
# +docker run --rm \
# +-e INFLUXDB_TOKEN=ffffaaaaaccccc \
# +-e INFLUXDB_ORG=abcdef \
# +-e ZEPP_PASS=mypass \
# +-e ZEPP_EMAIL=someone@example.invalud \
# +bentasker12/zepp_to_influxdb:latest
# +```
# +
# +To run without a container, first install dependencies
# +```sh
# +pip install -r requirements.txt
# +```
# +
# +Export the necessary variables into the environment, and then trigger the script
# +```sh
# +./app/
# +```
# +
# +`cron` can be used to schedule runs if the container or the script are being directly called.
# +
# +----
# +
# +### Scheduling with Kubernetes
# +
# +Kubernete's `CronJob` type can be used to schedule runs of the container.
# +
# +As a matter of good practice, secrets should be stored as secrets rather than being written into the job spec:
# +```sh
# +kubectl create secret generic zepp \
# +--from-literal='email=someone@example.invalid' \
# +--from-literal='pass=MyPass'
# +
# +kubectl create secret generic influxdbv1 \
# +--from-literal=influxdb_token='ffffaaaaaccccc' \
# +--from-literal=influxdb_org='abcdef' \
# +--from-literal=influxdb_url=''
# +```
# +
# +A `CronJob` spec can then be created drawing from these secrets
# +```yaml
# +apiVersion: batch/v1
# +kind: CronJob
# +metadata:
# + name: zepp-to-influxdb
# +spec:
# + schedule: "30 * * * *"
# + jobTemplate:
# + spec:
# + template:
# + spec:
# + containers:
# + - name: zepp-to-influxdb
# + image: bentasker12/zepp_to_influxdb:latest
# + imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
# + env:
# + value: "telegraf"
# + value: "zepp"
# + - name: QUERY_DURATION
# + value: "2"
# +
# + - name: INFLUXDB_TOKEN
# + valueFrom:
# + secretKeyRef:
# + name: influxdbv1
# + key: influxdb_token
# + - name: INFLUXDB_ORG
# + valueFrom:
# + secretKeyRef:
# + name: influxdbv1
# + key: influxdb_org
# + - name: INFLUXDB_URL
# + valueFrom:
# + secretKeyRef:
# + name: influxdbv1
# + key: influxdb_url
# + - name: ZEPP_EMAIL
# + valueFrom:
# + secretKeyRef:
# + name: zepp
# + key: email
# + - name: ZEPP_PASS
# + valueFrom:
# + secretKeyRef:
# + name: zepp
# + key: pass
# +
# + restartPolicy: OnFailure
# +```
# +
# +Applying the spec
# +```
# +kubectl apply -f zepp_cron.yml
# +```
# +
# +----
# +
# +### License
# +
# +Copyright (c) 2023 B Tasker, Michael Wyraz
# +Released under BSD 3-Clause (see script header)