simply sets a charge schedule based on what's passed into it - there's no logic to decide when would be best to charge/discharge.
My ultimate aim is to be able to control this from HomeAssistant - using the Octopus integration's target rate sensor to target the cheapest time of day.
Realistically, I'm unlikely to build a HA addon from this script - it's more likely that I'll use flask
to stand up a small API and the target rate sensors simply turn on and off, so we need a way to toggle on and off rather than providing times.
31-Dec-24 19:06
assigned to @btasker
31-Dec-24 19:16
I think what I want to do is create functions like
.These would then dynamically generate times to feed into the API
The start time would be the beginning of the current hour, effectively triggering immediately.
The end time just needs to be some time in the future, because at some point,
will get called.However, there are a couple of caveats here
might fail, so the stop time should be a fixed amount of time (3 hours maybe?). The function should take an argument which defines how long away the stop time should beStop()
To stop charging, we need to invalidate the setting - setting it to 00:00-00:00
There are likely to be a few issues with this approach
The first that comes to mind is that fixed timings can no longer be set via the Soliscloud app/web interface.
We'll likely only use 1 time slot and there are 3, so on the face of it, they could coexist. The problem is, timeslots aren't allowed to overlap so we'd have to implement complicated logic to amend slots and account for that.
The second is that we'll be quite reliant on the Soliscloud API behaving. That's not always a given: although the API remains reachable, sometimes they fail to communicate with the inverter.
We should almost certainly implement retries to reduce the impact of this
31-Dec-24 19:27
The following function calculates the time range to use:
The minute will always be
- the end time is only intended as a safety net.31-Dec-24 19:28
mentioned in commit b0e368d7d187aaa2f7bf1448c7a3ca78c5c458d3
feat: add function to dynamically calculate a timerange (misc/soliscloud-inverter-control#2)
This generates a timerange which would cause the inverter to turn on now and then turn back off in
hours time31-Dec-24 19:45
mentioned in commit d0872c067e9a268da91b0eabcc08e494011483e7
feat: add functions to immediately start/stop a charge (misc/soliscloud-inverter-control#2)
31-Dec-24 19:46
The commit above adds two functions
These can be used to start and stop charging. Need to add equivalents for discharge (probably tomorrow).
Surprisingly, we'll probably then be ready to look at wrapping it in a Flask app so that HomeAssistant can be told to make calls to it.
01-Jan-25 11:44
mentioned in commit f94ec7bfd65e36cb1a1d111068f5fd6f34a0725a
feat: allow discharge to be started and stopped (misc/soliscloud-inverter-control#2)
01-Jan-25 11:45
There are now 4 functions which can be called:
It doesn't make sense to have to keep passing
about though, so I'm going to remove that from the method signatures01-Jan-25 11:48
mentioned in commit 416e8f7cb99b93e7a948d940b4e14a2edf00c951
fix: config already exists within the class, stop passing it around (misc/soliscloud-inverter-control#2)
01-Jan-25 11:49
Invocation is now:
functions are only really separate for convenience - calling either will stop both charge and discharge.