project-management-only/home-tv-station#1: Initial Build

Issue Information

Issue Type: issue
Status: closed
Reported By: btasker
Assigned To: btasker

Milestone: v0.1
Created: 03-Aug-24 13:45


Build your own TV station (because why the fuck not)

I want to set up a live TV channel that I can subscribe the various TVs to.

That way, rather than figuring out what I want to watch, I can sometimes just switch to what's on.

Toggle State Changes


assigned to @btasker

mentioned in issue jira-projects/LAN#170

The commits will appear here later, but I currently have this working in a locally run docker container, providing both RTMP and HLS:

screenshot of two VLC instances side by side

That's triggered by running the following

docker run \
--name rtmp \
--rm \
-it \
-p 8080:80 \
-p 1935:1935 \
-v /home/ben/holly_mounts/kat-Series/:/media \

I'm just waiting for the episode to end to ensure that things switch over OK (I seem to remember there's a nginx-rtmp config option needed to prevent players closing, but we'll see)

Episode ended - HLS coped with it fine, the RTMP playback crapped itself (by the looks of it because timestamps are now out of order) - following up on that in project-management-only/home-tv-station#5


mentioned in commit github-mirror/Home-TV-Station@811e4a9aaf1357a3e44c058c9bd45b9961b9e39b

Commit: github-mirror/Home-TV-Station@811e4a9aaf1357a3e44c058c9bd45b9961b9e39b 
Author: B Tasker                            
Date: 2024-08-03T14:48:51.000+01:00 


feat: override nginx.conf (project-management-only/home-tv-station#1)

+48 -0 (48 lines changed)

mentioned in commit github-mirror/Home-TV-Station@ded7c3a65e9eb6ecd04a7ed6455b800927cf5db0

Commit: github-mirror/Home-TV-Station@ded7c3a65e9eb6ecd04a7ed6455b800927cf5db0 
Author: B Tasker                            
Date: 2024-08-03T14:48:37.000+01:00 


feat: add new entrypoint (project-management-only/home-tv-station#1)

This will allow us to fork off the publishing script

+17 -0 (17 lines changed)

mentioned in commit github-mirror/Home-TV-Station@1232e4a2bdcc6393b28ee2cdc7c05f852f5dc724

Commit: github-mirror/Home-TV-Station@1232e4a2bdcc6393b28ee2cdc7c05f852f5dc724 
Author: B Tasker                            
Date: 2024-08-03T14:48:17.000+01:00 


feat: base from nginx-rtmp image and add ffmpeg (project-management-only/home-tv-station#1)

+4 -0 (4 lines changed)

mentioned in commit github-mirror/Home-TV-Station@572b56f0c52f6b7c7a6a7a5bb62f2a8805bec4db

Commit: github-mirror/Home-TV-Station@572b56f0c52f6b7c7a6a7a5bb62f2a8805bec4db 
Author: B Tasker                            
Date: 2024-08-03T14:48:44.000+01:00 


docs: add README (project-management-only/home-tv-station#1)

This is so I can document things like expected directory structure as I go

+9 -0 (9 lines changed)

mentioned in commit github-mirror/Home-TV-Station@163642a60c8be83b18eebf814cdc05d85deba3be

Commit: github-mirror/Home-TV-Station@163642a60c8be83b18eebf814cdc05d85deba3be 
Author: B Tasker                            
Date: 2024-08-03T14:48:57.000+01:00 


feat: minimum viable product (project-management-only/home-tv-station#1)

When run in docker the container:

  • Spins up nginx-rtmp, preconfigured for an application called benstv (making this configurable is a TODO)
  • Looks for media in /media (configurable via env var) and publishes a random video
  • Exposes the played media as both a RTMP and a HLS Live stream
+61 -1 (62 lines changed)