utilities/auto-blog-link-preserver#17: Are we ready to release?

Issue Information

Issue Type: issue
Status: closed
Reported By: btasker
Assigned To: btasker

Milestone: v0.1
Created: 11-Aug-24 14:12


I think we're ready, but let's double check:

  • [x] LICENSE headers are in place and repo has README
  • [x] k8s cronjob works correctly
  • [x] Submission into Linkwarden is working
  • [x] Container builds
  • [x] Container is published
  • [x] Container is public in GHCR

Toggle State Changes


assigned to @btasker

marked the task LICENSE headers are in place and repo has README as completed

marked the task k8s cronjob works correctly as completed

marked the task Submission into Linkwarden is working as completed

marked the task Container builds as completed

marked the task Container is published as completed

marked the task Container is public in GHCR as completed

I think we're good to do