utilities/gadgetbridge_to_influxdb#17: Gadgetbridge data sync into InfluxDB isn't working

Issue Information

Issue Type: issue
Status: closed
Reported By: btasker
Assigned To: btasker

Created: 02-Apr-24 15:25


Late last year I set up a workflow to pull data from my Bip smartwatch into InfluxDB.

The data doesn't seem to be ending up in InfluxDB at the moment though - need to find out which step in the process isn't firing.

Toggle State Changes


assigned to @btasker

assigned to @btasker

Gadgetbridge is definitely collecting data from the watch - I can browse it in app.

The last upload into Nextcloud, though, was 4 months ago


Gadgetbridge is configured to export to /storage/emulated/0/Gadgetbridge and the Nextcloud client watches that for changes.

Looking in that directory on my phone, the last export was 4 Dec 2023.

Manually running Autoexport works just fine.

There's an old discussion about this on Codeberg

This has been working fine since - I deleted the autoexport settings in Gadgetbridge and then re-added them.

This broke again last week - have removed and re-added the setting