utilities/gadgetbridge_to_influxdb#5: Intensity Score meanings

Issue Information

Issue Type: issue
Status: closed
Reported By: btasker
Assigned To: btasker

Milestone: v0.4
Created: 26-Aug-23 10:23


There are two fields - intensity and raw_intensity.

These are floats and increase alongside steps/heart-rate


The Zepp docs give an explanation of this

The heart rate zones of the watch can be divided into Relaxed, Light, Intensive, Aerobic, Anaerobic, VO2 max. For example, if a user is 25 years old, the maximum heart rate = 220 - current age = 220 - 25 = 195, and if the heart rate value measured by the watch lies between 50% - 60% of the maximum heart rate, the watch will take it as the light zone. If it lies between 60% - 70%, it's the intensive zone, and so forth, and this is the way we determine how to divide the zones.

So, we can take this to mean that intensity is age-adjusted, whilst raw_intensity is not.

Gadgetbridge also have a description of this field.

Toggle State Changes


assigned to @btasker