project Utilities / Python Influxdb Downsample avatar

utilities/python_influxdb_downsample#7: Exclude fields

Issue Information

Issue Type: issue
Status: closed
Reported By: btasker
Assigned To: btasker

Milestone: vnext
Created: 05-Feb-23 12:55


Currently, our field selection is inclusive - you can cover everything, or you can provide an allowlist.

However, if you've got 20 fields and only want to exclude 1, that's quite inconvenient.

We should add support for an attribute to exclude fields by name

Toggle State Changes


assigned to @btasker


mentioned in commit 225bf8531c4dd53df6b6f7503a346f62757fc445

Commit: 225bf8531c4dd53df6b6f7503a346f62757fc445 
Author: B Tasker                            
Date: 2023-02-05T12:56:42.000+00:00 


Add support for excluding fields by name utilities/python_influxdb_downsample#7

+12 -1 (13 lines changed)

mentioned in commit 4f5e1fbaef3d0aa3b1b4fc319f686c132ccdf74b

Commit: 4f5e1fbaef3d0aa3b1b4fc319f686c132ccdf74b 
Author: B Tasker                            
Date: 2023-02-05T12:59:58.000+00:00 


docs: update README to document not_fields utilities/python_influxdb_downsample#7

+37 -0 (37 lines changed)

Added attribute not_fields, accepting a list of field names