Figured this is as good a place as any to log this.
The Soliscloud plugin will capture data every 5 minutes or so. That's fine for looking at recent usage, but queries might get a bit painful when looking at performance over longer periods of time.
So, probably want to have data being downsampled.
The fields created vary in terms of what they represent - some are incrementing counters (so probably want downsampling with max
) whilst others are current readings (so will want mean
It might even be that we want to derive some statistics using difference
and the like.
09-Jun-23 16:50
assigned to @btasker
09-Jun-23 16:52
The easiest way to describe which field needs which is probably to build a downsample config - that's what I'm going to be using to downsample the data anyway
09-Jun-23 17:14
The inverter submits readings into Soliscloud every 5 minutes, so there's no point downsampling to a lower frequency than that.
In this case, I'm going for 30 minute samples (calculated hourly). Reducing to 1 hour feels like overkill (with a single inverter, a year of 30 minutes samples is still only 17000 points - easily downsampled further at query time if needed).
There are some stats where we only really want a mean
The incrementing counters want a
Whilst rate stats (like consumption) benefit from having a few different aggregates applied to them
09-Jun-23 17:18
mentioned in commit sysconfigs/downsample_configs@a06f6c8c60f6b76d380c7ffcd1d0181610bebe82
Add Solar downsampling jobs designed in utilities/telegraf-plugins#12
Adds 3 jobs
09-Jun-23 17:20
The result is a bunch of fields with 30m granularity