To get a short-term fix in place, I'm mildly inclined to add support for some new environment variables - the idea being that they can be used to provide the beginning of the desired product code.
SELECT max("cost_inc_vat") AS "mean_cost_inc_vat" FROM "Systemstats"."autogen"."octopus_pricing" WHERE time > now() - 12h and time < now() + 12h AND "tariff_direction"='EXPORT' GROUP BY time(:interval:) FILL(null)
The underlying problem is that we have the pricing section go back to whenever the pricing plan started. It's probably worth adjusting so it goes back to when the plan started OR a few days (whichever is later)
21-Dec-23 14:15
assigned to @btasker
21-Dec-23 14:16
Something like this happened back in July (#17) - there seems to be a delay between changes being made and the API reflecting that change.
21-Dec-23 14:18
To get a short-term fix in place, I'm mildly inclined to add support for some new environment variables - the idea being that they can be used to provide the beginning of the desired product code.
21-Dec-23 14:29
Running the plugin manually, though, it doesn't look like that's the issue - we get a value back for today:
Querying the database shows a definite gap though
Manually inserting a point from today
and querying it:
The point comes back
21-Dec-23 14:31
I'm thinking, then, that the issue might be with telegraf - perhaps its buffers are getting full so it's discarding points.
That'll do it.
The underlying problem is that we have the pricing section go back to whenever the pricing plan started. It's probably worth adjusting so it goes back to when the plan started OR a few days (whichever is later)
21-Dec-23 15:13
Commits will show up once the Github mirror syncs.
Changes are: