OK, so the image link does come through in the markdown:
The domain `gils.bentasker.co.uk` is configured to point to it

So, we probably just need to catch that and redirect it to the right place.
This was implemented (a while back) for images in issues, so might be possible to re-use the code from that.
17-Apr-22 08:52
assigned to @btasker
17-Apr-22 08:56
OK, so the image link does come through in the markdown:
So, we probably just need to catch that and redirect it to the right place.
This was implemented (a while back) for images in issues, so might be possible to re-use the code from that.
17-Apr-22 08:58
In fact, it looks like it's easier than that.
The image is correctly converted to an image tag, we just need the router to be able to handle it.
For issues we have a check to see if we're looking for uploads:
We just need to implement similar for the wiki section
18-Apr-22 09:45
mentioned in commit 60fc65e5b9b977c4b2126a10c7da7064bec49f64
Enable support for images in wiki pages for websites/Gitlab-Issue-Listing-Script#20
18-Apr-22 09:46
marked this issue as related to #4
18-Apr-22 09:51
mentioned in issue #4