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websites/Gitlab-Issue-Listing-Script#26: Label pages

Issue Information

Issue Type: issue
Status: closed
Reported By: btasker

Milestone: v0.5
Created: 20-Apr-22 07:22


Labels are pretty instrumental to project management in Github - it'd be useful to be able to view which issues exist within a given label

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There are a few things to work out before this can be done though.

Labels can be global, group level or project specific - do we want label pages to exist at the global level, or per project?

If we're showing at a global level, how do we avoid including labels for projects that might not be included (via $permitted_projects) in the export?

Because labels can exist at different levels, there may be distinct labels with the same name, so we'd need to make sure any file-naming convention takes that into account.

Labels can be global, group level or project specific - do we want label pages to exist at the global level, or per project?

It looks like Gitlab's API makes a distinction between group and project level labels - - so the simplest way to implement is almost certainly to do it at the project level.

That's where people are going to be looking most of the time - whilst there may be an occasional need to show all new features (or whatever) across all projects, that's going to be quite rare compared to "show me all current bugs on foo"

marked this issue as related to #39

mentioned in issue #44


mentioned in commit f246c5c10c713a8defedb9d9135ba0518647d7a7

Commit: f246c5c10c713a8defedb9d9135ba0518647d7a7 
Author: B Tasker                            
Date: 2022-08-26T09:05:05.000+01:00 


Add label details to top of page (websites/Gitlab-Issue-Listing-Script#26)

+11 -0 (11 lines changed)

Commit f246c5c1 referenced the wrong issue - it was meant for [#44](/issue/websites/Gitlab-Issue-Listing-Script/44.html)

That's what I get for having this issue open as a reference...

However, [#44](/issue/websites/Gitlab-Issue-Listing-Script/44.html) is almost done, and the logical extension of that is that it'll need this page to aid with navigation to the timeline that it implements.

It occurs to me that we probably don't need a separate page so much as a section on the project page detailing the available labels - I can't imagine a completely separate page would see much traffic.


mentioned in commit fe05da88c13ef58eb58b850dfcc25496712491f0

Commit: fe05da88c13ef58eb58b850dfcc25496712491f0 
Author: B Tasker                            
Date: 2022-08-26T16:38:53.000+01:00 


Add project labels to the project page (websites/Gitlab-Issue-Listing-Script#26)

This adds a section to the main project index listing the labels for that project

+34 -1 (35 lines changed)

This is done