A run of yearly stats OOMs my instance (though it is somewhat RAM restricted) so I've created a new retention policy and set up a CQ to downsample into it
CREATE CONTINUOUS QUERY create_daily_website_stats ON websites BEGIN SELECT max(max_response_time) as max_response_time, min(min_response_time) as min_response_time, sum(platform_PageViews) as platform_PageViews, sum(referrer_PageViews) as referrer_PageViews, sum(requests) as requests, mean(response_time) as response_time, sum(tz_PageViews) as tz_PageViews INTO "websites"."analytic_low_granularity"."pf_analytics" FROM "websites"."analytics"."pf_analytics" GROUP BY time(1d), * END
29-Dec-21 11:10
assigned to @btasker
29-Dec-21 11:11
Originally, the intention had been to include this in the downsample script, but I'm not altogether convinced that's actually the best idea.
It's probably better to have a dedicated script
29-Dec-21 11:17
The report should be a high level summary (so encompass all recorded domains), what I'd like to see is
Where averages are being shown, it'd be good to also include min/max and maybe percentiles?
Ideally, this would all get wrapped up with pie charts/graphs etc
29-Dec-21 12:17
mentioned in commit 093cb700160fcb1f17af4d84ff5a850a87410485
Capture page views and response times for reporting. See websites/privacy-sensitive-analytics#8
29-Dec-21 12:17
mentioned in commit 2bf0d7633699d00195a962329971662b6b497bc4
Implement extraction of page views for websites/privacy-sensitive-analytics#8
This pulls out page views per domain, per
31-Dec-21 15:29
mentioned in commit fba11aa56a800bc21015ed19838e74ca99637c17
Collect referrer info for websites/privacy-sensitive-analytics#8
31-Dec-21 15:29
mentioned in commit 7c72d90ee69ac1640f45ec7a6ea47ce494c5d163
Implement reporting script for websites/privacy-sensitive-analytics#8
It's dirty, messy and ugly, but it works.
31-Dec-21 15:29
mentioned in commit 30a9ce880058550187b0c2baea7e0f595a9a6d70
Capture video playback info for websites/privacy-sensitive-analytics#8
31-Dec-21 15:29
mentioned in commit 639ce67c97e3486170429ec704293dff186c3c30
Collect details of top 10 pages for websites/privacy-sensitive-analytics#8
01-Jan-22 11:23
A run of yearly stats OOMs my instance (though it is somewhat RAM restricted) so I've created a new retention policy and set up a CQ to downsample into it