Wiki: home/Websites / Gitlab Issue Listing Script

GILS is a (reasonably) simple set of PHP scripts to generate HTML pages containing Gitlab project management information - issues, releases, wikis etc .

At it's core, GILS is a fork of my original JILS project for JIRA.

Documentation for the original version of GILS, including why I created it can be found at

Gitlab API

API docs are at

Running a dev environment

Rather than constantly having to build images to test minor change, a dev environment can be run by using an earlier image and overloading the current development environment

docker run -d --name="GILS-dev" -p 1480:80 -v $PWD/html:/var/www/html bentasker12/gitlab-issue-listing-script

Changes within the html directory will then be directly available at

Prod deployment

A prod deployment will want to use the released images

Then run a container

docker run --restart=always -p 1480:80 \
-d --name="GILS" -h "GILS" \
-v /home/ben/docker_files/GILS/config/:/var/www/html/config/ \

This will stand the container up bound to tcp:1480