project project-management-only / Scraper Snitch Bot avatar

project-management-only/scraper-snitch-bot#2: Revisit Legal Basis

Issue Information

Issue Type: issue
Status: closed
Reported By: btasker
Assigned To: btasker

Milestone: v0.12
Created: 19-Jan-23 08:30


After announcing the bot, a few people contacted me to warn that my current legal basis (Domestic exemption) probably can't be used when sharing the information. That is, it'd cover processing for my own purposes, but not making available - at least as far as any of that information might relate to an individual.

I had initially been working on the basis being Legitimate Interest, but then thought that Domestic exemption applied (and removes a lot of compliancey stuff). Need to finish documenting that.

Toggle State Changes


assigned to @btasker

mentioned in issue jira-projects/GDPR#1

mentioned in issue #4

I raised a GDPR ticket (the first since migration to Gitlab!) to follow up on this. The Legitimate Interest Assessment is complete, what remains is to create some privacy policy wording for it.

A task has also arisen as a result: the bot should be adjusted to only publish/toot during the UK daytime. This is to help ensure that if a mistake is made, it's not tooted out at 0100 and then left online until I wake up and become aware of it.

I've raised #4 to track that

New Privacy Policy has been written and is now available at