We now have two wrapper scripts for the bot - one to toot, and another to regenerate the receipt files.
It's inevitable that, at some point, config between the two is going to accidentally diverge, so we should look at moving the bot's (limited) config to a YAML file
29-Jan-23 15:58
assigned to @btasker
29-Jan-23 15:59
This is a larger job than it sounds, config within the bot is currently an absolute fucking mess, with quite a lot of it relying on globals.
If we're touching config anyway, we need to look at tidying that up.
29-Jan-23 16:29
mentioned in commit misc/python-mastodon-snitch-bot@877cd27a9b17ee8aece1fbe7722a35b2167e24de
Start moving things to YAML config (project-management-only/scraper-snitch-bot#6)
This is currently properly nasty.
We now load the config from YAML, but currently just the assign the relevant parts to the hodge-podge of globals that are in use.
The next step is to start factoring those out, one by one
29-Jan-23 17:10
Some 12 commits, and a whole bunch of line changes, later, this is done.
Config looks like this
And the much simplified commandline looks like
Although the bot version in prod won't currently consume it, I've deployed a config file so things won't go pete tong when the update is deployed (the env vars should be removed from the command line at that point, but nothing will break if they aren't)
29-Jan-23 17:14
changed title from Move Config To YAML to Move {+Bot +}Config To YAML