project Websites / Gitlab Issue Listing Script avatar

websites/Gitlab-Issue-Listing-Script#11: Milestones and Releases

Issue Information

Issue Type: issue
Status: closed
Reported By: btasker
Assigned To: btasker

Milestone: v0.3
Created: 15-Oct-21 16:34


Probably wise to add support for Milestones and Tags/Releases

Toggle State Changes


assigned to @btasker


mentioned in commit 6f6e08d5faff5d4910343b3acce6c303bf58a89d

Commit: 6f6e08d5faff5d4910343b3acce6c303bf58a89d 
Author: B Tasker                            
Date: 2022-04-18T12:03:29.000+01:00 


List milestones on project page for websites/Gitlab-Issue-Listing-Script#11

The links don't currently go anywhere - the next commit will implement that

+51 -1 (52 lines changed)

mentioned in commit 82b2b76cd3322d5f31a9935189f03b76f7bfd313

Commit: 82b2b76cd3322d5f31a9935189f03b76f7bfd313 
Author: B Tasker                            
Date: 2022-04-18T12:07:49.000+01:00 


Implement decoding of SEF urls for milestones. See websites/Gitlab-Issue-Listing-Script#11

+12 -0 (12 lines changed)

mentioned in commit e9453cd53380ea0e537cf765f147ac1901a2f8d3

Commit: e9453cd53380ea0e537cf765f147ac1901a2f8d3 
Author: B Tasker                            
Date: 2022-04-18T12:36:18.000+01:00 


Add Milestone page for websites/Gitlab-Issue-Listing-Script#11

This lists all issues within a milestone.

We should probably update the issue listing page to include it's milestone now and have it link out

+152 -3 (155 lines changed)

mentioned in commit 5c06d460ab33a105c3d814b63e94253f2adf925b

Commit: 5c06d460ab33a105c3d814b63e94253f2adf925b 
Author: B Tasker                            
Date: 2022-04-18T12:41:19.000+01:00 


Update issue page to link back to milestone for websites/Gitlab-Issue-Listing-Script#11

+7 -0 (7 lines changed)

Milestones are in place then

  • Milestones listed on project page
  • Added view for individual milestones
  • Updated issue page to include link back to parent milestone

mentioned in commit d0a6230c36065c30899d57f60758f6f210f33313

Commit: d0a6230c36065c30899d57f60758f6f210f33313 
Author: B Tasker                            
Date: 2022-04-18T13:43:08.000+01:00 


List releases on the project page for websites/Gitlab-Issue-Listing-Script#11

The links won't currently display anything, that'll be implemented across the next few commits

+51 -1 (52 lines changed)

mentioned in commit f4dbcc13f068729792a62f1f9be1fea1ff94fd37

Commit: f4dbcc13f068729792a62f1f9be1fea1ff94fd37 
Author: B Tasker                            
Date: 2022-04-18T13:46:10.000+01:00 


Implement SEF parsing for release page. See websites/Gitlab-Issue-Listing-Script#11

+12 -0 (12 lines changed)

mentioned in commit c7cbdbb34628770d2964faf9f7490414a5f18f4a

Commit: c7cbdbb34628770d2964faf9f7490414a5f18f4a 
Author: B Tasker                            
Date: 2022-04-18T14:29:29.000+01:00 


Add release view for websites/Gitlab-Issue-Listing-Script#11

Displays information about the release and links back to the commit which created it, as well as any milestones linked into it.

+183 -4 (187 lines changed)

Releases page is implemented.

There doesn't appear to be a good way to link back to the releases page from the issue view - the issue object says which milestone it's linked to, but doesn't list releases.

There's also no real way to link to the release from the milestone - again there just doesn't seem to be an API endpoint to achieve that.

mentioned in issue #25