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websites/Gitlab-Issue-Listing-Script#25: Other git features - tags/merge requests/branches etc

Issue Information

Issue Type: issue
Status: opened
Reported By: btasker
Assigned To: btasker

Milestone: Backlog
Created: 19-Apr-22 08:28

Labels: Task


We need to decide whether we want to include some of the other Git features

  • Merge requests
  • Tags
  • Branches
  • Contributor lists

Toggle State Changes


assigned to @btasker

The intent of GILS was never to completely implement the git side of things - it's intended to provide an export for the project management side rather than for revision control.

On the other hand, things like Merge Requests sit on the fence between the two. Whilst technically part of revision control, they're also a form of documentation so should probably be included.

I think the argument for tags is weaker - any tag that's converted to a Release is already represented (as of #11).

Similarly, I don't think we get much benefit for adding branch support.

Contributor lists would be a nice one to add (though it's giving a 404 on my GL install)