After a GPX track file has been generated (
VEHPI-27) the system should attempt to upload all queued track files to the API (assuming that wifi/3g connectivity is available).
Although want to implement in Python, the following would submit a file in BASH;
curl -F "subfile=@importfile.gpx;type=text/xml" \\
-H "X-VEHMAN-KEY: Test: `echo \{mykey\} | sha1sum | awk -F\ '\{print $1\}'`" \\
-H "X-VEHMAN-USER: \{myuserkey\}" \\
2013-12-26 21:09:03
2019-09-09 16:24:37
Realistically, project isn't going to see any further development so closing as Won't Fix
2019-09-09 16:24:37
2019-09-09 16:24:37