VEHPI-31: GPX Track File Clearance

Issue Information

Issue Type: Sub-task
Priority: Major
Status: Closed

Reported By:
Ben Tasker
Assigned To:
Ben Tasker
Project: VehManPi (VEHPI)
Resolution: Won't Fix (2019-09-09 16:24:40)
Target version: 1.0,
Components: GPS , API Integration , Database ,

Created: 2013-12-26 21:00:49
Time Spent Working
Child of: VEHPI-7: Implement GPS Support

To avoid the SSD filling up, old GPX track files should be removed once uploaded to the API (and their corresponding entries purged from the SQLite DB).

Basic plan is to follow the following procedure

- When uploading the GPX file, the resulting Job ID returned by the API should be written to the database
- Periodically (probably after each GPX upload run), the listjobs method should be called to see whether the import was successful
- If not, requeue for upload. If so, remove the track file and tidy the DB

Toggle State Changes


Need to decide how many failed import attempts the system is wiling to tolerate before it just purges the data. Perhaps with thresholds related to disk usage
Bulk Close.

Realistically, project isn't going to see any further development so closing as Won't Fix
btasker changed status from 'Open' to 'Closed'
btasker added 'Won't Fix' to resolution