Need to build support for generating fuel stats. To begin with want to capture
- Monthly Mileage
- Monthly Fuel (Litres) purchase
- Monthly Garage Use (So, 1 fill at Tesco, 3 at Shell)
- Monthly Fuel Cost
- Monthly fill count
- Monthly average Economy
- Monthly Avg price per litre
- Monthly average purchase (Litres)
- Monthly average fill cost (£)
Will need to adjust the table schema devised in commit b296fc8 for
VEH-17 as need to be able to create some entries that would otherwise lead to duplicate keys (for the Garage fills).
2013-11-02 12:21:40
2013-11-02 13:42:48
2013-11-02 14:23:28
2013-11-02 14:23:48
2013-11-02 14:23:56
2013-11-02 14:23:56
2013-11-02 14:24:01
2013-11-02 14:27:30
For reference
|MonMiles|Mileage for that month||
|MonFuel|Total litres purchased||
|MonFuelCos|Total spend||
|MonFuelCn|Fill count||
|MonEco|Average economy for month||
|MonPPL|Average price per litre||
|MonAvgFill|Average fill (litres)||
|MonAvgCost|Average fill cost||
|MonAvgFCPM|Average cost per mile (based on fuel)||
|MonGarages|Number of fills at the garage in modifier|Garage Name|
2013-11-02 16:25:19
2013-11-02 16:25:19
2013-11-02 16:25:19
2013-11-02 16:44:59
Results in
|MonMiles|Mileage for that month||
|MonFuel|Total litres purchased||
|MonCost|Total spend||
|MonCn|Fill count||
|MonEco|Average economy for month||
|MonPPL|Average price per litre||
|MonAvgFill|Average fill (litres)||
|MonAvgCost|Average fill cost||
|MonAvgCPM|Average cost per mile (based on fuel)||
|MonGarages|Number of fills at the garage in modifier|Garage Name|
Commit ea079bd refers
2013-11-02 16:45:38
2013-11-02 16:45:38
2013-11-02 16:45:45